Saturday, May 23, 2009

Amazing Night

This past Wednesday nights at the Creek was one of the most amazing nights I've experienced in ministry. We baptized almost FIFTY people! That's fifty people who were caught up in dead lives and heading towards an eternity without Christ who are now saved and empowered sons and daughters of God! Each person had a story of life-change after their encounter with Jesus. God is always moving and always working and always healing. Thank you LORD!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sweaty Interview

On Saturday morning, after a brutal, 10K race at Fort Gordon, my great pal Chris Rivers interviewed me during the car ride home. He asked some insightful questions that I've continued to ponder. I love Chris' innovative spirit and his love for Jesus, his family and life in general. Hanging out with him makes me more creative. I hope you guys enjoy this short in-the-car interview.

Monday, May 4, 2009


On Facebook and Twitter (two of the most addictive things on the planet), I try to share one thought per day. Sometimes, one good thought per day is a stretch for me, but at least every few days, I post something. I've collected some of these thoughts together and posted them below. I hope you enjoy them (or at the very least...the make you think)!

I don’t know all the answers, but The Answer knows me.

Stay focused on what you do best. The world is rarely changed by "Well Rounded" people.

God works more through interruptions than itineraries.

God will always call you to do things that are impossible to do without Him. If you're doing something on your own strength, you're probably not making much of a difference.

Pride is the Enemy of Grace. Most folks that never find fullness in Christ resist not because of intellectual reservations, but simply because they're too proud to admit their own helplessness and need for a Savior.

If you want to be like Jesus, consistently show kindness to people who have no way to repay you.

In the history of the world, Jesus is the only "Self-Made Man".

Depending on your motives, "Hard Work" can be either a form of worshipping God or a form of playing God.

You have to be broken before you can truly be fixed.

What you DO will make a NAME, and what you OWN will make a FORTUNE, but it's what you GIVE that makes a DIFFERENCE.

Every decision you make will disappoint somebody, so be very intentional about whom you're trying to please.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Husband's Love

I've always been a fan of Civil War history, and this four-minute segment from a documentary on the war is one of the most touching things I've ever heard. It's a letter from a soldier to his wife describing his love for his country and his love for her. I don't typically post this sort of thing on my blog, but I believe thes words are so compelling and inpsiring that they transcend time and they should be shared.