Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lazy Revolution

It's remarkable to me just how lazy we have become as a society. When I hear about drive-by shootings on the news, I think, "wow...I remember a time when criminals had the courtesy to get out of their cars to shoot you." This new "Lazy Revolution" isn't confined to criminals; it has infected people from all walks of life and pastors as well. I don't have to spend time looking through my Bible for a passage, because my computer does it for me. I text in partial words, because "whole words" take way too long to write out, and I rarely write a "whole blog" because twitter has empowered me to record my thoughts in one sentence which makes writing a whole paragraph seem daunting. I have much more to say on this issue, but my fingers are getting very tired from all this typing so I'm going to have to take a break.

1 comment:

turnerconnection.updates said...

That's a great observation! jt