Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Voice of Truth

The one command that God gives in the Bible more often than any other command is simply, "Be Not Afraid". Our Creator realized that fear would be our biggest obstacle in acieving a courageous life fully-devoted to Him. There simply isn't enough room in our hearts for Fear and for Faith. We all must choose which voice we trust...the voice of fear or the voice of our Father.

In this video, my four-year-old son, Cooper, makes his actinig debut. I'm a little bit partial, but I think he deserves an Oscar! I believe this short video captures the essence of fear and the power of faith. Remember, your Father loves you more than you can imagine and He has not give you a spirit of fear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So this is the infamous video Wes was doing the other night when I was at your house!

Very inspiring, Dave! And Cooper....YOU DID AMAZING!!!

Love you guys!