Friday, August 10, 2007


This is a funny video that illustrates a profound spiritual truth. We live in a fast-paced world where the temptation is to run ourselves to death and never pausing long enough for any type of reflection. Basically, we don't give God a chance to speak to us.

I've been waking up with our baby boy Connor around 5:00 am for his early morning feeding. At first, I would stomp out of bed and begrudgingly carry out this chore, but I've recently recognized this daily ritual for what it really is-a gift from God. These brief moments of solitute with only my son, my heavenly father and the chirping crickets on the other side of my window in the stillness of the dark morning have become sacred to me. I'm so thankful for the gift of stillness and for powerful ways that God can move when we slow down enough to give him the opportunity to do so.

In the chaos of your hectic life today, take the town to slow down to be with God. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn from silence. I'll probably revert back to my lazy ways of sleeping in once the boys are older, but for now, I'm cherishing this beautiful window of time with by son and my God.

1 comment:

SMITTY said...'re right on.
As my time with the Lord evolves, I sometimes find myself quiet more often than overly verbal in His presence. I must admit that my conversations with Him are much deeper and more profound than they ever were when all I did was bring my "honey-do list" to His throne.

Can't wait to see you this weekend.