Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leadership Summit

Our church is a satellite location for Willow Creek's annual Leadership Summit. Today, our church joined forces with tens of thousands of Christian leaders all over North America and we were challenged and inspired by some of the most courageous and innovative leaders in the world. My head is still spinning from the wealth of knowledge that I'm trying to process and there's way too much good stuff to try to condense it here, but if I had to share just one "take away" from the entire day, it would be the reality that God wants us (His Children, His Church) to take action! I think that we too often wait for God to move instead of realizing that He's always moving and we're the ones who are sitting still. Not even God can guide a stationary object. Whatever good work or vision God has placed on your heart, go for it! In the grand scheme of things, the only way you can fail is to not try at all.


Bill Wilson said...
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Bill Wilson said...

Didn't you spend most of the time on the phone!!!