Thursday, November 6, 2008


Last night at the Creek, we had a service focused on the Healing Power of God and the response was tremendous! I had the opportunity to pray with people who are plagued with guilit, broken-hearted over abuse and molestation that shattered their innocence as children, burdened by the addictions and diseases of family members and exhausted from the trials of day-to-day life.

There is so much pain in the world that it often feels overwhelming, but there is still more hope than pain. We serve a God who not only saves...He Heals! The Bible says that when the sick came to Jesus, "...all who touched him were healed". God, I pray that you would give your healing touch to all who are broken and hurting at our church and around the globe. Thank you that you are still a God who loves and heals.


Phil Hoover said...

Hey Dave,

You posted on my blog, and I appreciate it...but I am not Marty....

I know him...he's a legend from my days at Lee...but I am not Marty..

Love your blog though.

Amanda said...

Thank you, Dave. You know what I am talking about.
