Saturday, July 19, 2008

Honduras on my Mind

I've been home from Honduras for a week, but the world seems different now. My eyes were opened to the fact that God's children live in all kinds of different circumstances. My heart was opened by the love and generosity of the Hondurans who despite a language barrier, spoke the language of love and laughter which I understood perfectly. I realized that contentment was a choice and not dependent on material possessions. I was moved by their faith, their sense of community and the love they showed towards each other and towards our team. I'm very grateful that I had the opportunity to go and the tiny village of "Dos Rios" will be in my thoughts and prayers until I have the opportunity to return.


TJ Hearndon said...

i have never seen you so happy as you are in this picture. I love ya man.

Perrie Lynn said...

It was truly a memorable week. I was surprised by the life lessons we learned in such a short amount of time.

Anonymous said...

Great photo! I wish I could have been there with you guys.