Thursday, January 8, 2009

Run, Forrest, Run!

I love the movie Forrest Gump. In the film, Forrest tells us that whenever he was going anywhere, he was "ruh-nning"! The more I think about it, the Christian "walk" is at times a sprint. When we repent, we're turning from our old messed up ways and sprinting in the opposite direction towards the arms of our Saviour. When we face temptation, we're not called to stand there and contemplate our options...we're supposed to run the other way! The Bible inspires us to "run the good race" and run in a way as to win the prize. In this New Year, be intentional about why you're running, what you're running towards and what your running away from. If you need some extra inpsiration, you can watch clips of Forrest running on YouTube.

1 comment:

Bill Wilson said...

Dave Dave...... where are your posts..... doesn't look like 2 a week to me