Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Update on the boys

Many of you have asked about how Ashley and the boys are doing and we greatly appreciate your prayers and concerns. Ashley is my hero! She is so good with Cooper and Connor (and me). She's an angel. Cooper is definitely in the "Terrible Twos" which is making for some great sermon material, but he can be a handful at times. Luckily, I can still take him, because he's very small for his age. He just had his two-year checkup and he's in the fifth percentile which means he's shorter than 95% of boys his age. On the growth chart, he's projected to end up somewhere between a Hobbit and a Leprechaun (approx. 1-2 inches shorter than me). I'm hoping that he's taller than that so that he'll be able to see over the steering wheel someday, but God makes us all just how we're supposed to be, so I'll leave that up to Him. Both Cooper and Connor are adorable and I'll try to get some good digital pictures to post to the blog soon so you check them out. Ashley is as hot and sweet as ever. I definitely married up!


Dr. Jayne said...

Hey Dave, Ashley, and boys! OK, just to prove that I am even further behind on all this technology stuff than you are, Dave, this is the first time I've even ever RESPONDED to a blog! So there!

Glad to here you are all doing well. We miss you here in Kentucky (and at EKU)...things are pretty much the same as when you all moved. Hope you get the chance to do some teaching somewhere once you get really rolling with your new job.

Am I doing this right??!!

OK, one more comment: I really never understood what people meant by the terrible twos...they are not so bad...compared to the threes! You've got so much to look forward to! Enjoy every single moment! :)

Love ya'll -- JViolette

DWillis44 said...

On the bright side, Cooper can play baby Jesus in the church's Christmas play for a while.

SMITTY said...

it's good to finally have you in the blognation.

Be consistent.

nana said...

Hey, I love to read about the two most wonderful, intelligent awsome boys in the world. Doctors and growth charts have been known to be wrong, Cooper is not going to be short... God has a wonderful plan for those special boys... It is wonderful to see you and Ashley become such wonderful parents... Tell Drew that Cooper is not going to be baby Jesus... He was always going to be Tiny Tim... Merry Christmas to one and All.... Love you all very very Much.... Nana