Tuesday, May 6, 2008

MIghty to Save

In this mixed-up, crazy world, I need to be reminded that our God is Mighty. This song reminds me of the reality that God is bigger than any trouble or trial this planet can throw my way. It also helps that this video ROCKS! Check it out and don't forget to give God the glory for loving us, saving us and creating rock n'roll worship music. Thanks to our amazing worship team here at The Creek for putting this together.

1 comment:

Mark D. Rucker said...

Dude, that is such a great song. You know as I was watching that video I was just wondering to myself if you guys might be able to put a few more people on the stage. You know it looks so empty having only what 20 people on the praise and worship team. Of course they did a great job, but unfortunately not quite as good as the Alter-Nauts. Rockstar for God, baby!