Saturday, March 15, 2008

Money: The Greatest of Servants. The Poorest of Masters..

Money. Why has it become a dirty word in the church. I think that we Christians are so quick to forget that Jesus talked more about money than He did about Heaven and Hell combined. He knew (as He knew all things) that there was no greater indicator of a person's priorities than how they spend their money. We can be quick to give Jesus our heart as long as He keeps His hands off our wallets. We might think we know our priorities, but all we need to do to be sure is to look at our credit card statements and our checkbook registeries. The numbers don't lie. The are a very accurate indication of the condition of our hearts ("Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also".)

Marty preached a powerful sermon on stewardship a few weeks ago and the CBS Early Show was there to do a story on it. Marty did a great job (as always) and I believe God was honored by the refreshing Truth that was shared on this very complex issue. Check out the video clip and decide for yourself.

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