Thursday, March 6, 2008

Heaven just got more exciting. Earth just got worse.

Friends, today was a tragic day. Cindy Lytle who for years has been "the smiling face of Stevens Creek Church" was killed this morning in an automobile accident on her way to the church. She has served as the church secretary for many years, lit up the stage with her musical and acting abilities, and warmed the hearts of thousands with her authentic warmth and brilliant wit. She has left a void that no one can fill and our hearts grieve, but even in our grief, we know that she is in a much better place.

I can only imagine the reception she is receiving right now as the saints gather round to hear her hilarious commentaries on everything that's been happening here on Earth. This is an unspeakable loss for us, and yet, we can't help but smile as we reminisce on how much she brightened our world with the brief time that God allowed her to be ours. An we know, of course, that this isn't really "Goodbye". We're so thankful to serve a Savior who has conquered death, so death is never the end. We miss you Cindy, but we'll see you again.


Anonymous said...

This is an unspeakable loss - but if ever that was someone who could faithfully stand before Jesus and answer with pride for everything she did with the gifts she was given, it's Cindy. She's touched our lives in countless ways and lived her own to the fullest. Thank you lord for allowing your love to flow through Cindy into our lives. Cindy - we love you and we will miss you.

Anonymous said...

Dave well put..... I'm sure when she met Jesus face to face and He asked how are you doing? She smiled happily and said, "Just Dandy now!!!"

Lord thank you for being in control. You are faithful........Always....

ptoole said...

The void that Cindy leaves behind in immeasurable, but the memory that she leaves is formed by the love that she gave to all who knew her. She set a high standard for all of us: as a woman, mother, daughter, wife, Christian and as a friend. Our hearts are grieving but I can hear her laughter and see her smiling eyes as she sits at the feet of our Savior. Until we meet again, my friend.

Linda said...

I knew Cindy when I attended SCCC from 2002-2004. I was so saddened to hear that she died...she truly was a blessing to everyone she met. I also posted on my blog about her.

I know that she's dancing with Jesus now...

Amanda said...

1. I never knew you had a blog Mr!

2. Cindy was a wonderful, amazing, Christian woman. She is going to be SO missed. This is such a shock, but at the same time I feel at peace with this b/c I have no doubt that she is in Heaven.

We will all miss you, Cindy!!!

Munish Singla said...

Please accept our deepest sympathy to her and her family on the death of Cindy Lytle.
Marty told us about Cindy Lytle's sudden demise in a tragic accident. It's really shocking news here for us. May the bright memories of his great deeds give peace and consolation to the family and friends; and a source of inspiration of an accomplished life to all of us.

smartData Team

Kim said...

Words can hardly describe the loss I feel right now. I know that Cindy is with Jesus, and the knowledge that I will see her again gives some comfort, but the selfish part of me knows it won't be the same when I call the church and don't hear her cheerful voice. I'll miss her kindness, humor, and smiling face! My heart goes out to Rob and the kids. We love you.

Lela Kay said...

I am sorry for your loss and will be praying for this wonderful woman's family as well as her church family who will all continue to mourn her presence here on earth, but will rejoice with her beautiful presence with God.

Anonymous said...

Two month's today Cindy has been gone. How quickly time goes. I miss her as if it was yesterday. I thank God for the blessing she was in my life spiritually and as a true friend. She touched my life in ways she did not even know. I am so grateful for her life and her friendship and I know I will see her beautiful, smiling face again. Until then........I miss you Cindy Lytle!