Monday, April 21, 2008


I met with a great friend this afternoon at Starbucks to talk about life, work, family and coffee. We're both in the same "crazy" stage of life and we took turns lamenting the fact that it often seems like the days are dragging by as we sit in a "waiting room" waiting for God to finally reveal "the good stuff". I've come to realize that I'm an impatient person by nature and if I'm not careful, I could go through my whole life missing the beautiful "good stuff" that God grants me everyday because I'm so preoccupied looking ahead to the next big thing.
In my quest for that elusive "next thing" that I romanticize in my mind, I realize that I'm not letting myself be fully present in this moment and I'm taking for granted a beautiful season of life when my boys are discovering the world for the first time, my wife and I grow closer everyday, we have wonderful friends, God is growing me up more and more with every passing moment and each day brings new surprises. Sure, I'll be thrilled when I'm not changing diapers anymore and we're more financially set and all of that stuff that comes with age, but in the meantime, I don't want to miss another second of this incredible life that God has allowed me to live. I want to be fully present in every moment and not wish away one second ever again.


Lela Kay said...

Thanks for reminding me that I too need to live in the moment and trust God to take care of the rest. It is so very hard as humans in this crazy world to be satisfied and not look toward "bigger and better" stuff ahead! Contentment is my constant prayer! Not contentment in staying where I am and who I am forever, but for finding joy as I grow and evolve wherever God has chosen to place me at the time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks man